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Members' Area
ONLY members of the Association will be approved for access to Members pages.
Members are able to access the additional pages after logging in using the button top right of all of our pages.
New Members are asked sign up using the button so they can create their own password. Please contact should you experience difficulty.
Please add any e-mail addresses ending "" to your permitted senders list i.e. it is NOT SPAM. At present we have three named accounts - one for the Commodore, one for "info" and one for "Admin". Communications are severely limited if you do not let us in!
Members are asked to keep us up to date with any changes to their personal details e.g. email addresses and phone numbers, so that we can continue communicate with you. If we loose you we can't send you notices of AGM's, Seafarer, etc. Send changes to the Rear-Commodore (Membership)
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