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There are two levels of Skipper within GSA - Coastal and Offshore - and there are two routes to achieving that status. It is open to you if you want to swap from one route to the other. What is here is an introduction - e-mail  to contact the Rear-Commodore (Training) for more information.

Go Sailing Association internal approval

Any two Offshore Skippers of three years standing can recommend you, based on separate cruises with them, to become a Coastal Skipper. The cruise does not have to be a GSA cruise dedicated to skipper approval, but you do need to tell the skipper in advance that you are hoping to gain a recommendation. Once you have the first recommendation, you will have "Mate" status within GSA and we may give your details to skipper looking for crew - this is to open up more chances for you to get the second recommendation - but you are not obliged to take up a berth if you are contacted.

Broadly speaking, the recommending skipper would be looking for the equivalent in knowledge and logged experience to that required for RYA Yachtmaster (Coastal).

Having gained Coastal Skipper status, you may wish to progress to Offshore. You should contact the Rear-Commodore (Training), who organises Skipper Approval Cruises, and he will put you in contact with an "Approval Skipper". Recommendation will be based upon RYA Yachtmaster (Offshore) requirements. These cruises are also available for those wishing to become a Coastal Skipper by a single recommendation.

RYA Qualification holders

We recognise appropriate RYA Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaster Offshore qualifications - we will consider equivalent alternative formal qualifications. We will require GSA "familiarisation" before recognition at the equivalent GSA Skipper level.

Familiarisation is all about how we do things - basically what we expect of our skippers and charterers.


More information will be made available to you once you have joined us.


Final Approval


Once you have the recommendations, or have provided copies of your third party qualifications, we will ask you to provide evidence of relevant experience, etc. The Rear-Commodore (Training) will then make recommendations to the Committee.


Becoming a Skipper

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